Animal Communicator Animal Health

Animal Medical Intuitive – The Basics 

As a pet owner, have you ever sat and pondered about your pet? Maybe they’re starting to act out or even withdraw. No matter what their behavior, or lack of, the reason behind what they’re doing could very well be due to a medical problem which is where a medical intuitive could prove to be very helpful. 

Having a pet is one of life’s greatest blessings, but because of the communication barrier, it can become difficult at times. What if you could sit with your pet and ask them questions about their behavior, health, likes, dislikes, or just things that you are curious about? Well, you can!

A medical intuitive is an alternative medicine practitioner, who uses their intuitive abilities to find the cause of a physical or emotional condition through the use of insight rather than conventional medical diagnostics. Other terms for this practice include medical clairvoyant, medical psychic or intuitive counselor. These practitioners do not diagnose or treat medical conditions. They can, however, offer insight from a unique perspective that often adds useful information when used in conjunction with conventional medical diagnostics. It is one tool that can be added to your overall wellness protocol.

What Do Medical Intuitives Do?

Medical intuition focuses on visualization skills and intuitive and innovative scanning to obtain information from the physical body and its energy systems. It is designed to assist health care providers in a cost-effective, targeted approach to a patient’s presenting concerns, and is not meant to serve as a diagnosis of illness or disease. Studies have shown that medical intuitives have strong, subjective accuracy rates in identifying primary and secondary health issues. Additionally,  their services are positively evaluated in the context of an individual’s concerns regarding their health. 

History Of Medical Intuition

Edgar Cayce (1877–1945) was one of the most well-known medical clairvoyants. He was said to be able to discern the health conditions of people, and in many cases, heal them of their affliction. Many of the treatments that he developed are still used today. 

In some cases, medical intuitives have been hired by hospitals, clinics, and medical offices, particularly in California. Some medical intuitives also work with M.D.’s.

How Can An Animal Medical Intuitist Help?

When a human visits a medical professional, they often engage in an extensive intake interview where the doctor can ask in-depth questions about how the patient feels. This interview helps the physician narrow down potential causes and develop the next steps for testing and diagnostics. As many animal owners can attest, veterinary diagnostics can be a very hit-or-miss process, expensive and frustrating. It can be difficult for a vet to focus on the root cause based only on our visual observations. An animal is not able to verbalize his physical sensations such as:

  • “My throat feels raw when I swallow.”
  • “The pain feels sharp in my left upper hip and radiates down my leg.”
  • “I feel a rapid flutter in my chest” 
  • “I feel the pain in my right front hoof. It feels fine at the walk but the pain starts when I canter” 
  • “I feel nauseous and low on energy”

When a horse exhibits lameness it can often be difficult to tell which limb is the cause. Narrowing down the focus onto one limb can save everyone a lot of time and money.

Clients often consult an animal communicator/medical intuitive prior to a non-emergency vet visit to collect information that will help the vet to zero in on the root cause and reduce the number of tests required. By locating sensations during an intuitive scan of the body, an animal communicator can report details of pain location, intensity, and quality. These details help the pet owner and their medical care team to discover symptoms that are not visible to us and to refine the treatment plan.

Regular “check-in” with a communicator can be useful to monitor the well-being of a pet during a course of treatment by asking the pet about pain levels, appetite, and other symptoms.

Pet owners also consult a medical intuitive to help them assess the quality of life of their senior pet as they navigate the challenges of old age.

As an animal communicator and animal medical intuitive, I use a scanning technique to feel what the animal is feeling in his physical body. As an empath, I feel the physical and emotional feelings of the animal in my own body reporting sensations of pain, pressure, headaches, nausea, itching, vision disturbance, hearing loss, dental issues, joy, sadness, lethargy, difficult respiration, etc.
Contacting an animal medical intuitive should never be your first choice in any emergency situation. Always contact your vet or local emergency clinic first. The intuitive work can complement your conventional veterinary care but never replace it.

Animal Communicator Horses

Why Every Horse Trainer Needs An Animal Communicator

As every experienced horse trainer knows, there is no magical shortcut to training a horse. For every horse you take on for training, there is a unique process of observation, trust building, cue and response, repetition, reward, and patience.  Whether the trainer is starting a green colt, retraining an OTTB, or polishing the skills of a Grand Prix competitor, they must be tuned into the non-verbal communication used by all horses.  

Trainers Are Already Using Animal Communication

Without even realizing it, the best trainers are already using the main skills of animal communication. 

  1. Acknowledging that the horse is a thinking, feeling, non-verbal being.
  2. Remaining focused and present at the moment with the horse in front of them.
  3. Collecting and processing non-verbal information from the horse based on his body language and response to cues.
  4. Allowing his intuition, or “gut feeling”, developed from experience, to guide him to the instant and appropriate response.
  5. Always remaining self-aware and responsible for non-verbal, physical, mental, and emotional messages that he is sending out to the horse.
  6. Building trust and a mutual language that allows for two-way communication.

Miscommunication Is Bound To Happen

At any, and every point in this training process the opportunities for miscommunication and misunderstanding are almost limitless for both parties. Even the horses that are willing and able to clearly communicate are often confused by mixed signals or lack of information.  

In many cases, a trainer starts with very little knowledge of the horses’ temperament, past experiences, and individual preferences. Just as humans see the world through the filter of their own past experiences, the same is true for horses. They carry the baggage of past training, fear triggers, and physical discomfort forward with them into each new experience.

Why Having An Experienced Animal Communicator Is Important

The skills of an experienced animal communicator can offer the perfect complement to those of the horse trainer. Through telepathic animal communication, one can explore other aspects of equine behavior that can not be answered from visual observation. The communicator can gather information in the form of images, emotions, and physical sensations that can build on the visual picture of who the horse is. By adding this tool to the training toolbox of skills, any horse handler can enrich the partnership they share with the horse.

Save Yourself Time And Money

Can you imagine the time, money and frustration to be saved if the horse could simply answer the following questions?

  • What is the trigger for this behavior, is it physical, mental, or emotional?
  • Where do you feel pain? What is the quality of the pain; sharp, dull, pulsing?
  • How does the saddle fit? Do you feel any uneven pressure?
  • What training exercises do you enjoy most? Which ones confuse you?
  • In which environment do you feel most focused? In the indoor arena or the outdoor jump ring?
  • Which daily activities stimulate you in a positive way? Which causes boredom or shuts you down?
  • Does the pace of your schooling suit you or do you need more of a challenge?
  • What things, places, or activities trigger your fear response?
  • In what exercises are you feeling confused and how can I clarify the goal to make it easier?

Customize Your Training Based On Your Horses Needs

It is amazing how often humans and horses alike come to assumptions about one another that are inaccurate and cause conflicts and misunderstandings that disrupt the training partnership. Giving the horse an opportunity to share their perceptions and clarify goals, opens up new possibilities for negotiation and compromise in the relationship. 

Armed with these answers, the horse trainer now has the opportunity to rethink and format the training environment to suit the unique nature of that particular horse.  Making even small adjustments to accommodate the individual horses’ needs can go a long way to building a deeper, trust-based, relationship with any horse in your care.

If you are interested in more tips and exercises for building trust with your horse, please visit this article by Erica Ash.

Animal Communicator

Communicating With Our Animals

The relationships that we form in our lives can be a great source of strength and healing for us. When out of harmony, they can also become a source of stress. The relationships that we form with our animals are really no different. Our animals bring us joy and comfort, unconditional love and acceptance, they ground us and enrich our lives. For many people, the connection with their pets constitutes their primary and sometimes most enduring relationship. Yet the ease and joy of this relationship can become disrupted when the pet begins to exhibit behavior issues, health concerns, or conflicts with family members. Communication can be a key to resolving these conflicts. Accurate communication can be difficult even when both parties speak the same language. Therefore nurturing a healthy relationship is a challenge when your partner shares no common language. 

What is Animal Communication?

While it may defy belief systems for some, there is a communication means available to bridge the gap: Telepathy,  Animal communication, or inter-species telepathic communication, which is the process of transferring thoughts, images, and feelings from one party to another using extrasensory perception. Animals are able to relay a surprising depth and variety of information about themselves and their environment including physical sensations, emotions, and events. 

Researchers, like Rupert Sheldrake, biochemist, and physiologist, believe there is a background fabric of the Universe made up of energy that is called the “Morphic Field” that links beings and acts as a channel for telepathic communication. Others may call this field the “Universal Mind”. Deepak Chopra refers to it as “the Field of all Possibilities.” 

How Does Animal Communication Work?

Accessing this telepathic field is a skill that comes naturally to all animals, including the human animal. We as humans, with thousands of years of verbal language orientation, have largely lost this skill. Animals, however, remain strongly connected and are skilled telepathic communicators. As humans have come to rely on verbal communication, we have become less aware of our telepathic abilities. But as we think and speak, we are continually producing energetic broadcasts that contain visual images and emotions, though consciously we are virtually unaware of their content. We tend to tune back in only during creative endeavors such as design, art, meditation, or creative visualization. As we have tuned out our own broadcasts, we have also tuned out these messages from our animals that contain their thoughts, needs, feelings, and perceptions. 

Misunderstanding frequently arises between humans and animals because we do not “hear” one another accurately. Our animals are broadcasting their needs and we are not tuned in to their channel. They go unheard. 

Why Is It Hard To Communicate With My Pet?

Our animals are continually scanning our telepathic channel to discern our needs and expectations. What they encounter is often a confusing, contradictory, overlapping jumble of images and emotions to which they cannot relate. In one brief training session, we might jump to dozens of topics; “I’m teaching the dog to sit”, “I am sad about Aunt Mary”, “did I pay that bill”, “my shoulder feels sore”, “I need to go to the grocery store”. None of these thoughts are relevant to our dog and he would perceive it as broadcast static and have no choice but to tune it out. 

Communication between humans and their animals improves when we learn to think more like them. Animals create their thought forms from the present moment without regard to the past and future. They tend to keep it simple, without the demands of ego. They perceive themselves as spiritual beings connected to all things and eternal in nature. They lack a perception of polarities, no right, and wrong, things are just as they are. Animals are generally free of guilt and judgment for themselves and others. 

We can learn to clarify our telepathic static to improve communication with our animals and also increase our own self-awareness. Starting requires quieting your chattering mind. Breathe into a calm and alert state. Observe your mental imagery and notice how often worry about the past and future intrude. Bring your focus to the present moment and think of what you DO want, not what you DO NOT want. 

Author and Speaker Mike Dooley teaches that “thoughts are things”. From the perspective of our animals, this could not be more true. When you worry about a possible disaster in the future your mind creates an image of that event. As your animal observes this image he can not distinguish it from an actual occurrence. It is the same when we worry about a trip to the vet or a dying pet. Your thought form is purely an illusion but to the animal, it is very real. 

In our attempt to train our pets, we continually think of the behavior we do not want to experience. We teach them, “Don’t jump on the couch”, “Don’t chase cars”, and “Don’t chew on the furniture”. Yet with each verbal statement, we create a telepathic image of jumping on the couch, chasing cars, and chewing furniture. Because there is no visual concept for “Don’t”, we are unintentionally communicating the exact opposite of our desire. 

As we become more aware of our telepathic imagery, we can retrain ourselves to match them to our intent. Accurate mental imagery can become a powerful training tool with our animals and can enhance the overall quality of our communications and our relationships. 

How Can A Professional Animal Communicator Help?

Professional animal communicators can help bridge the gap with animals, from pets to performance horses, in a variety of everyday circumstances. Professional animal communicators can help bridge the gap with animals, from pets to performance horses, in a variety of everyday circumstances. But with some understanding of this process and a little practice, you can become a better listener with your pets and learn how to broadcast your intentions more clearly, too. And better communication will help you both live happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives.

Animal Communicator Pet Resources

Celebrate National Pet Month by Enhancing Your Pet’s Life

As a loving pet owner, whether you own a dog, cat, lizard, hamster, horse, or parrot, you want your animals to be happy. During National Pet Month, we celebrate all of the benefits and joy that pets bring to our lives. It is also an ideal time to consider ways that we can add to their well-being. 

Our pets enhance our lives in countless ways. They provide us with unconditional love, companionship, entertainment, and laughter. They can also reduce stress, encourage us to exercise, and even improve our moods. It’s only fair that we bring them happiness, as well.

What is happiness for a pet? 

We all seek to understand our pets more deeply, including their needs, behaviors, and what brings them joy. Naturally, we tend to assume that what makes them happy is similar to what makes us happy, and it is difficult to shift our perspective to that of our pets. 

One way to understand the difference between our point of view and our pets is to imagine that you and a friend are standing on opposite sides of a room. The two of you may be looking at the same scene, but because you are seeing it from a different angle, it appears completely different. 

To make our pets happy, we need to look at the world and how they experience it through their eyes. For example, if you have a spacious fenced yard where you allow your dog to roam, you may view it as a lovely place for your canine to play while keeping them safe. But your dog might see that fence as a barrier, limiting their ability to explore the outside world.

Trying to understand how a situation might feel to our pets allows us to enhance their wants, needs, and desires. 

Our pets are constrained by human boundaries because we make all of their life decisions for them, from what they eat to who their friends are. So how can we enrich our pets’ lives? Give them choices! 

Here are six ways we can provide our pets with a greater sense of autonomy:

1.     The choice to be petted (or not!) 

You may think it’s an ideal time to pet and snuggle your cat, but he may have other ideas. If you put your cat in your lap and they struggle and immediately leap down, it’s a sure sign that it’s not an ideal tie for physical bonding. Don’t force the issue! Let him walk away. 

2.     Choosing where to walk

Dogs love to follow their noses. If possible, allow your dog to choose the route s/he follows for her walk. This allows exploration of new places and smells.

3.     A choice to retreat to a safe place

Like humans, every animal is different and has fears and desires. Your dog who is terrified of thunderstorms or fireworks may choose to retreat to an enclosed space, such as a bathroom when the noise gets to be too much. If he’s safe, don’t coax him out. Allow him to stay where he feels secure and protected.

4.     Deciding where to sleep

As much as your daughter would love to have your dog sleep in her room, your pup may feel more comfortable sleeping in your room. Many dogs prefer to sleep with whoever they perceive to be the leader of their pack – and that’s often an adult. Don’t force the issue if she chooses to sleep in your room rather than your daughter’s. 

5.     Choosing to train (or not!)

If your parrot is being especially uncooperative, exhibiting aggressive behavior, or acting disinterested during training, take a break. Don’t push them! Let him retreat to his cage. If he is refusing to participate, it is a sure sign that this is not a good time to teach him to perch on your shoulder.  

6.     Choosing favorite foods 

When it comes to feeding, one way to provide your pet with choices is by separating ingredients. For example, for a dog, you could split its different types of food into individual bowls. Which one does he choose more often? This will tell you what he prefers. If possible, you can alter his diet to include more of his favorites.

Ask your pets!

Are you struggling to figure out what makes your pet happy? I can use telepathic animal communication to help you understand your pet through their eyes, including what makes them happy. Want to learn more? Schedule a consultation. 

Animal Communicator Animal Communicator Partnerships

What Is an Animal Communicator?

Did you recently bring home a rescue dog who is skittish around strangers? Is your horse exhibiting troubling behavioral changes? Does your parrot resist training? If you’ve ever experienced anything like these, or similar, and thought to yourself, “I wish I could tell what my pets are thinking,” you may benefit from working with an animal communicator.

We communicate with our pets every day, using verbal commands or praise, physical gestures, and touch. But we still might yearn for a deeper understanding, whether it’s due to a behavioral or health concern, or simply because we desire a more meaningful connection. 

Animals are complicated creatures! While they don’t have verbal language, they do communicate with other animals and with humans. You need only to observe your dog, chicken, or cow’s body language to understand they most definitely experience emotions such as joy, fear, and grief. And there is plenty of scientific research that bears this out! 

Animal communication helps us better understand the health and behavior of our pets. It is an excellent complement to the actions you are already doing to take care of your beloved pet. Used in tandem with training and veterinary medicine, this valuable tool can help you see your pet’s point of view and clarify assumptions that we make as humans about our animals — which may (or may not) be accurate!  

To understand how an animal communicator assists their clients and their pets, it is helpful to understand exactly what an animal communicator is and what they do. 

What is an animal communicator and who works with them? 

An animal communicator connects you and the animals you love through telepathic communication. Anyone who owns an animal, or is a professional animal caretaker, such as vet techs, animal rescue workers, dog trainers, and zookeepers, can benefit from working with animal communicators.

How does telepathic animal communication work? 

Animal communicators act as translators between nonverbal animals and verbal humans. All thought is electrical or energetic signals. Scientists have learned that they can measure human brain waves even while we are not speaking because they can see those waves moving and changing as you imagine words and pictures, creating an electronic signature. 

A useful analogy for telepathic animal communication is to think of TV or radio broadcasts that use transmitters and a receiver. Invisible signals pass through the air as digital information. Most of the time, we are oblivious to them because we are not tuned in to that channel, but they are always there.  

Animal and human brains function similarly. To communicate telepathically with animals, animal communicators intentionally “tune in” to the frequency or broadcast of a particular animal, just as if they had tuned in to a specific channel. 

This allows the animal communication professional to hear or see the animal’s personal “broadcast” which they can experience as thoughts, feelings, and images. They may receive visual imagery, physical sensations, or emotions from the animal and can even feel their fear or joy as if they are experiencing it for themselves. They then act as a translator between you and your animals, translating your animal’s nonverbal communication so that they can be better understood.  

Want to know more? Ask!

I am an expert in telepathic animal communication. Our animals are part of our families. Therefore, we want them to be happy and yearn for a deeper understanding of them. Chances are, your animals probably already have the answers you need and are eager to share. They just don’t have the words! As the voice that speaks for your pets, I can help.

Want to learn more? Check out our FAQs. Do you still have additional questions? Ask Me!