Welcome fellow animal lover.
Thanks for taking the time to click over to meet me. I understand how important your animals are in your life. I feel your struggles and I can help.
The bonds we form with our animals can be a great source of strength and healing for us. Our animals bring us joy and comfort, unconditional love and acceptance; they ground us and enrich our lives. For many people, the connection with their pets can be their primary and sometimes most enduring relationship. Yet the ease and joy of this relationship can become disrupted when the pet begins to exhibit behavior issues, health concerns, or conflicts with family members. I’ve learned that simple misunderstandings can often be the cause. This is when a partner in problem-solving can really help out.
I have always felt a strong bond with animals. As a shy kid, I often felt closer to animals than to people. After college, I went to work in the corporate technology world and soon found it didn’t suit me. My heart always returned to helping the animals.
I have now spent more than 30 years helping horses as an Equine Sports Massage Therapist. Each day I get to help people and their horses to troubleshoot physical and behavioral issues using massage therapy. I became a partner in problem-solving. My hands-on work with the horses would provide clues to the location of injury or pain. The horse owner and veterinarian could then add these pieces to the puzzle and build the full picture of what was troubling the horse. I found great satisfaction in being part of the healthcare team and I wanted to do more.
It was these very horses that taught me I could communicate with animals. Or more accurately, they taught me that I was already communicating. They could understand my thoughts but I needed to learn to be a better listener. I set out to learn all I could about telepathic inter-species communication. I took classes, read, studied, and practiced to fine-tune my telepathic skills. I learned that we all have the tools to do it, we just need practice.
This is where my years of personal intuitive studies came in handy. I had already begun to refine my skills of focus, visualization, empathy, and the ability to quiet my mind and listen deeply. It was this deep listening that brought me into dialog with all types of animals.
Today my animal telepathic communication work connects me with people and animals around the globe. I am working with companion pet owners, horse trainers, veterinarians, competitors, and animal care professionals. These connections are joyful and endlessly fascinating and they teach me new things every day.
I’m excited about working with you and the animals that you love. Are you ready to share an unforgettable experience with your animals? With communication, that bond between you can grow and bloom. Let’s get started on that journey now. Just Ask!
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